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The Internal Lean Dimensions Impact on the Manufacturing Based Product Quality of Food Processing Companies in Jordan Al-jawazneh Journal of Management Research

Below are some of the reasons quality is important in manufacturing. Buyers, in effect, use price as an index of quality as well as an index of the sacrifice that is made in purchasing it. This approach leads to a vertical or hierarchical ordering of quality. Products are raised according to the amount of ingredients or attributes that each possesses.

manufacturing-based quality

Good quality control helps companies meet consumer demands for better products. Quality control practices help manufacturers meet customer expectations and compliance standards. Quality measures that ensure product consistency, such as net weight and yield, are tracked multiple times a shift.


Digital transformation can help you build manufacturing resilience—and prepare for whatever comes next. Natural disasters, political turmoil, generational trends, and global health crises can upend shopping habits and supply chains—overnight. Minimizing risk – Reduce the potential for errors or defects when you standardize the manufacturing process. A rigorous QC process identifies root causes quickly when there is a problem.

manufacturing-based quality

Waste reduction – The business saves money when material resources are conserved and used wisely in the production process. Quality products are more likely to be mentioned https://globalcloudteam.com/ positively by customers and generate word-of-mouth marketing. The emphasis in the product-based approach is on quality as a precise and measurable variable.

Quality (business)

As the name implies, this method is a thorough assessment of all items of a project. By quality controlling every aspect of the production, you’re more likely to have better accuracy and remove most imperfections that might mistakenly be passed on to the customer. This type of method is best suited for those projects where even a slight flaw in the product can cause a recall, such as when processing meat. It is, as expected, a costly measure that’s not applicable to every product. One, quality assurance is proactive, while quality control is reactive.

  • They use quality control as a strategic lever to achieve corporate goals.
  • In this paper, we will conduct a comprehensive literature review analysing image based quality inspection systems in SMS over the last decade.
  • The reason is that expectations can also be highly varied, and personal, which can be problematic.
  • Yet a recent survey found that 75% of manufacturers still collect data manually.
  • By following these tips, you can improve your products’ quality and ensure they meet or exceed customer expectations.
  • Retention of Good Employees – Employees like to work for a “quality” organization.

The right solution helps you measure quality in real time, prevent costly problems, and reduce risk across the enterprise. At the practical, day-to-day level, here’s what it looks like to shift from tactical quality control to strategic quality management. At higher levels in the organization, leaders can compare SPC data across shifts, processes, lines, and plants. Reports and dashboards are created automatically, so it’s easier to discover actions that optimize quality. Analysis is more effective and efficient, and best practices can be applied across the organization. Using data they already collect, manufacturers can advance their organizations—not just defend and protect them.

Study Tools

There’s a huge difference between “doing quality” and “mastering quality” in manufacturing. Spreadsheets are also difficult to compare across lines, sites, manufacturing-based quality or other variables. Leaders spend a lot of time formatting and manipulating data just to make it usable—without total confidence in its accuracy.

NC State Partner Institutes Bolster U.S. Manufacturing Industry – NC State News

NC State Partner Institutes Bolster U.S. Manufacturing Industry.

Posted: Tue, 02 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Sometimes referred to as a QA engineer, QC engineer or senior quality specialist, a quality engineer works to ensure the overall quality of the manufactured product. They’ll test processes, monitor quality standards, create documentation, devise quality tests and define criteria that those tests should meet. They work with design teams, suppliers, manufacturing teams and customers to make sure the products produced are safe, reliable and meet customer expectations. Total quality management is an approach to quality control that aims for long-term success by providing customers with satisfaction. The customer comes first and employees must own quality control for their part in the production.

Automate Workflow to Streamline Production

From there, modern analytics can help you re-imagine quality and transform your business. Keeping teams focused on the important work ensures greater quality. Our workflow automation allows you to make a trigger that sets an action such as changing the tag, assignee and more instantly. To make sure that quality moves forward in the production line, set task approvals.

When quality control is elevated across the organization, you can optimize every process. All your quality data resides in one unified repository, regardless of product, process, or location. Many manufacturers have taken preliminary steps toward digital transformation. Perhaps they’ve embraced Industry 4.0 by automating processes or by installing Bluetooth sensors to monitor equipment. In today’s competitive environment, there’s no room for uncertainty. Executives need accurate insights from quality data to make strategic decisions for the company.

What Is Digital Transformation in Manufacturing?

The product/service is seen as a set of features that enhance customer satisfaction. While this may or may not be a customer focus , in reality adding additional features in a hope that they will create customer satisfaction is the approach. Here, the customer receives the value that he or she expects since operations has built quality standards into the product. An operations view of quality is a common view of the concept of quality.

manufacturing-based quality

Integrate devices so leaders and operators have a more comprehensive view of quality—and how processes interconnect to support quality. Collect and store all quality data in a standard format—and in a centralized location. Their data is comparable across the business and for a variety of use cases—from the plant floor to the board room. Go from “doing quality” to mastering it—and get more value for your quality management investment. Paper-based data collection is much more error-prone than automated data collection.

What Are the 4 Types of Quality Control?

Quality control can be done in various ways, from training personnel to creating data-driven tools to test products and set standards. Quality control methods help create a safe work environment and products that are safe to use and meet customers’ needs. Additionally, it is a rewarding career for someone that enjoys investigating issues and improving outcomes. Having quality control in place within a business helps ensure product quality and the overall success of a business. The quality control environment influences employees’ attitudes about the workplace and creates a sense of ownership of the products and company. The food industry uses quality control methods to ensure customers do not get sick from their products.

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